Pressure bearing capacity of stainless steel flange

Pressure bearing capacity of stainless steel flange

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The pressure bearing capacity of the stainless steel flange is very strong, and the minimum pressure bearing capacity will reach 10Mpa, which is what we call 100 kg pressure. When the water pump and valve are connected to the pipeline, some parts of this equipment are also made into corresponding flange shapes, also known as flange connections.

Using the method of combining mechanical analysis and finite element analysis, the calculation formulas of the flanges of these three methods are derived, their design methods are proposed, a three-dimensional finite element model is established, and their mechanical properties are studied in detail.

The sealing surface of the gate plate and the valve seat is made of iron-based alloy surfacing welding or Stellite cobalt-based hard alloy surfacing welding, which is wear-resistant, high-temperature resistant, corrosion-resistant, and has good abrasion resistance and long service life.

The advantage of the neck flat welding flange is that other flanges are easier to center when they are welded and installed, and the price is not very high, because it has been widely recognized. Finally, fill in the measured data in the table.

Pressure bearing capacity of stainless steel flange

When casting carbon steel or flanges, the liquid metal fills the mold and solidifies under rotation, so the casting of carbon steel flanges has the following characteristics:

liquid metal can form a hollow cylinder in the mold Shaped free surface, so that hollow castings can be cast without cores, which greatly simplifies the production process of sleeves and tube castings, greatly simplifies the casting process, high productivity and low cost;

due to the liquid metal produced during rotation The carbon steel flange force of the socket welding flange, the carbon steel flange casting process can improve the ability of the metal to fill the mold, so some alloys and thin-walled castings with poor fluidity can be produced by the carbon steel flange casting method;

Due to the action of the German standard flange force, the feeding conditions are improved, and the gas and non-metallic inclusions are also easily discharged from the liquid metal.

Therefore, the structure of the carbon steel flange casting is denser, and there are fewer defects such as shrinkage cavities, pores, and inclusions. , good mechanical properties; eliminate or greatly save metal consumption in gating systems and risers, and have high metal utilization.

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